Latest News & Action Items

Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

Better Know Your Elected Officials: Bridget Degnen, Cook County Commissioner

My name is Bridget Degnen and I am the Cook County Commissioner for the 12th District. The 12th District runs from River North all the way up north through the 40th Ward and Lincoln Square, and then it runs straight West all the way to Portage Park and the 38th Ward. It covers parts of 14 different Chicago wards and contains about 330,000 people.

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

Standing up for Black Trans Lives in the 40th Ward

Last week, an anonymous neighbor sent a letter to the 47th Ward Alderman Matt Martin that threatened KJ and attacked the work of social justice advocates. Hate has no home in the 40th Ward, the 47th Ward, or anywhere. These kinds of harmful and cowardly threats do not represent the 40th Ward - and we showed up in numbers on Sunday to support KJ and to say that message loud and clear.

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

Pass the Fair Tax and Reject the Lies in your Mailbox

The election has already begun and people are casting ballots. I joined this movement to support better funding for education; for the refugee child I tutor, for the school where I volunteer, and for the universities that train our best principals and teachers. Serve Illinois by passing this referendum and rejecting the lies.

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

Neighbor Stories - Ana Lopez-Alcantar

Ana Lopez-Alcantar, the 40th Ward Deputy Committeeperson and youngest in Chicago’s history, lives in Andersonville. She is especially excited to have the opportunity to study world events and apply them to her long-held interest in politics, especially this year’s election process.

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