Pass the Fair Tax and Reject the Lies in your Mailbox

By Ari Frede, Ed. D.

From now until November 3, 2020, Illinois is voting on a crucial constitutional amendment to get rid of our flat income tax and move to a fair graduated tax, like the federal one, with tax brackets so people pay a fair amount. The Secretary of State published and distributed informational pamphlets about the measure to every Illinois resident using text from the legislation (begins on p. 3). Our public money was used to spread lies from Fair Tax’s opponents, and I am appalled at this corruption of public communication. It reminds me of the stark lies from Washington. There should have been more control on this government communication.

The pamphlet, published with our public money, contains no fewer than nine lies from the opposition. More discredited misinformation also demonstrates that this argument is the best they can do -- like me, their supporters should be disappointed. I looked forward to this pamphlet (begins p. 4)  because I wanted to consider the best that each side has to offer. Although I support the Fair Tax referendum, I have been seeking sound counter-arguments. Theirs lack facts and basis, indicating their stubbornness, not their integrity. 

It is inexcusable to spend our public funds to promote lies to the entire Illinois population.

The lies fall into three clear categories: First, opponents claim that the referendum “gives … unlimited new authority” and limitless power to raise taxes (three repetitions). Second, they claim that this referendum creates “a massive tax increase” (three repetitions). Third, they insist that the referendum would not fund social services (three repetitions). 

First, legislators have ALWAYS held the authority to change tax rates. This referendum does not change that power. 

Second, the referendum does not contain any tax increase AT ALL, period. The only projected tax increase is in a separate bill, already passed, which would affect the 3% of Illinois residents and businesses that earn over $250,000. 97% of Illinoisans will see no change or a decrease in their taxes.

Third, there is no budgeting language in this bill at all. Budgeting is an annual responsibility of legislators, not a part of this referendum.

In reality, the referendum simply deletes forty-three words from the 1970 Illinois Constitution (seen here as strikethrough text). There is no added language. It does not change taxing or budgeting powers beyond creating the opening for an equitable graduated tax. The legislature has already passed the bill that explains the marginal tax rates that will be used if the referendum passes.

The referendum’s passage or failure depends on us, the voters, which is why I find the opposition’s scare tactics and propaganda disgusting. There is no place in a moral universe for public funding of deceit.

On October 5, the Illinois Policy Institute (among others) filed a lawsuit claiming that the same document contained a single line’s worth of misleading language. Contrary to all existing laws, they assert that proponents will, some time in the future, tax retirement income. Their objection is the same as mine -- the use of public funds for legitimizing lies -- but their flimsy evidence establishes their ulterior motives: They are against the Fair Tax because they want to preserve the current Unfair Tax.

The election has already begun and people are casting ballots. I joined this movement to support better funding for education; for the refugee child I tutor, for the school where I volunteer, and for the universities that train our best principals and teachers. Serve Illinois by passing this referendum and rejecting the lies.


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