Latest News & Action Items

Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

The Upcoming Election is the Fight the Nation Has Been Waiting For

So I’m prepared to see voters line up, six feet distanced, at the 40th Ward precinct where I’ll be working, out the door and down Western Avenue, around the corner down Peterson Avenue, and west a couple of blocks. I picture them sending emissaries down the street to Wolfy’s, picking up hot dogs to sustain them as they wait in line to take their country back.

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

Fair Tax - FAQ

If you’ve attended a 40th Ward Dems Fair Tax presentation and still have some burning questions, we share some frequently asked questions and responses surrounding this important proposal up for a vote in November.

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

Neighbor Stories: “My First Vote” - Jaz Gonzalez

For Jaz Gonzalez, 2020 has been a tumultuous year. She finished her senior year and graduated from Northside Prep in the midst of a global pandemic. She also voted for the first time! I asked her about her experience as a first time voter

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

Help Us Build a More Inclusive 40th Ward

As an organization focused on creating a better future for our neighbors and creating an ever more equitable community and city, we can’t ignore the recent Black Lives Matter protests and the voices of our neighbors—in the 40th Ward and beyond—calling for change. And we also cannot ignore the Trump Administration’s constant attacks on our immigrant and indigenous neighbors.

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

Neighbor Stories: “Why I Vote” - Rahat Sajwani

Rahat Sajwani has been voting for six years and believes that it is an incredible tool for ensuring that our elected government officials effectively represent the voters. When she hears comments from potential voters that their one vote can’t create change, she reminds them that it’s incredibly important in local elections and affects their day-to-day life in ways they might not see.

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

It’s Time for a Fair Tax in Illinois

Even before the pandemic hit, our state and city’s finances were already in a crisis with billions in unpaid bills. Shelters are closing, health care is under pressure, and education requires more investment to reinvent itself to exist online. With thousands out of work and many small businesses on the bubble in Illinois, a strong safety net is needed more than ever. 

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

Vote-by-Mail Expansion Passed in Springfield - What It Means for 40th Ward Voters

Voting - including vote-by mail - is a constitutional right, no matter how hard the Trump administration and the GOP try to fight it. No one should have to choose between protecting their health and exercising their right to vote. For many, the safest way to vote during this election cycle may be to vote by mail. This is why it’s so important that the Illinois legislature and Governor Pritzker passed new legislation in Springfield.

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Maggie Okeefe Maggie Okeefe

How We Designed our Logo

We know that change happens more visibly and frequently at a local level. This is why the 40th Ward Dems have centered around the goals of increasing voter turnout among residents of the ward, expanding and protecting polling places. We aim to bring new energy and motivate people to vote their values during this critical election year.

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