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Call Neighbors in the 40th Ward

Sign up here -

40th Ward Dems - the most important thing we can do is call our neighbors about the upcoming election.

We have over 30,000 people to call and we need you to commit to calling your neighbors! Sign up to call your neighbors between NOW and November 3rd to inform them out our 2020 Goals:

- Voting YES on the Fair Tax Amendment
- Helping them apply for a mail-in ballot or identify how they will vote
- Signing up to get on our mailing list for more information

Once you sign up, you will receive a quick tutorial on how to phone bank through a system called Virtual Phone Bank. If you've ever phone banked for a candidate before, you are likely familiar with the system.

Reach out with any questions -

October 18

Weekly Phone Bank for Sean Casten & Lauren Underwood

October 22

Text the 40th Ward!