40th Ward Democrats

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Help Hold the U.S. House & Unseat Donald Trump – Come Phone Bank with Us!

Let’s look at the simple facts. Out of the two people running for President, only one person is qualified to be in office: Joe Biden. 

Donald Trump needs to go – and we all need to vote and work together to rebuild our country back up from the terrible damage the Trump administration has intentionally wreaked upon Americans.

This is why we also need to work around the clock to hold on to the House of Representatives and flip the Senate, so that the next President has a Congress that’s ready to pass laws, protect vulnerable communities instead of harm them, and repair & lead our country through a post-pandemic economic depression. 

Our new Illinois Congresspeople Lauren Underwood and Sean Casten need your help to hold onto their seats. Look below for opportunities to join their Zoom and phone banks - and let us know if you would like to be further connected to their campaigns for volunteer opportunities. 

Each race is important, but this next election is more important than any one candidate or person. It’s about changing the course of the future.

It’s about protecting the Supreme Court and holding elected officials accountable for years of corruption and abuse. It’s time to end the gridlock.

Help us and join any of the phone banks below!